Don't let the flu bug bite!

The flu can take a big bite out of your student's productivity.

Consider the cost to your family of losing valued work time to a child's illness for up to a week.  Not to mention the time off you may need to care for additional family members who get the flu, or even the time lost to visit the doctor for a shot.  Now more than ever, it is important to get a flu shot!

We have a simple solution to keep your family humming through the flu season:  A Flu Shot Clinic at your child's school.

It's easy.  We'll send a registered nurse to your school location to vaccinate your children.

To know how much vaccine to order, we need your feedback.  Please communicate your interest in participating at the Red Hill Jr./Sr. High School influenza clinic to the school office by September 15, 2020.

Lawrence County Health Department has been serving the healthcare needs of communities for over 75 years; let us help you maintain a flu free school this fall/winter.

Yours truly,

Amy Marley, RN, BSN - CLC, CHP


Director of Clinical Services