Attention all Parents/Guardians of 5th graders:
A letter was mailed to you earlier regarding the requirements for 6th grade. All 6th graders must have a Tdap , a second varivax (chicken pox) and one dose of meningococcal conjugate (meningitis). The Tdap and meningitis vaccine MUST be given on or after the 11th birthday.
The Lawrence County Health Department will be coming to Sumner Attendance Center on May 3rd to provide these required vaccines for your child. If you want your child to receive these vaccines at school, the Patient Registration for School Located Vaccine Clinic form and the Screening Checklist for Contraindications for School Located Vaccine Clinic form must be completed, signed and returned to SAC by April 26th. These forms were recently sent home with your child.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure the immunizations are covered by your child’s health insurance. A copy of your insurance will also be necessary.
You are not required to have the vaccines at school. This vaccine clinic is being provided for your convenience. If your child has not received these immunizations by September 1st, your child will be excluded from school. If you have any questions about this requirement, please contact the school nurse.