Congratulations, Katey Wilson, on your graduation! Katey says her favorite experience was during Homecoming week in 2023 and appreciates the support and guidance provided by Mrs. Benson, who helped her navigate her academic journey and prepare for graduation. Katey has learned the importance of perseverance and taking responsibility for her success. She recognizes her maturity and growth, especially in terms of managing her responsibilities and securing a job. Her biggest influences have been her grandparents and dad, indicating a strong family support system that has contributed to her development. Looking forward to life after high school, Katey is excited about the freedom from school-related stress and the opportunity to focus on new experiences and challenges. Katey’s advice to underclassmen emphasizes the value of persistence and not giving up, reminding them that high school passes quickly and to make the most of it. Overall, Katey’s journey highlights the significance of personal growth, resilience, and the support of loved ones throughout the high school experience. Her chosen quote from Winston Churchill, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Congrats Katey!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Sam Stimler, a dedicated senior with a passion for sports and a heart of gold! Sam has been an active member of Track and Field, Football, Pep Club, Interact, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Math team, and Board game club during his high school years. One thing Sam will miss about high school is the camaraderie with teachers and friends, as well as the playful banter with underclassmen in a positive way. Sam's achievements include being the Captain of both Football and Track, with a State appearance in Track under his belt and hopes for another one. Reflecting on his high school journey, Sam feels like leaving school has transformed him into a different person, strengthening his bonds with friends and his faith. High school taught him to be himself, embrace challenges, and relax when things don't go as planned. Sam's proudest accomplishment is the opportunity to compete at the next level in both sports and attend college for a sporting event. He acknowledges the impact of Mr. Steven Potts and all the coaches who have guided him not just in academics and sports, but also in becoming a better person and Christian. Sam also expresses deep gratitude to his family for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout his high school journey. Sam's advice to underclassmen is to be authentic, pursue what they love, and not let others dictate their lives. Embrace challenges and value others above oneself. After graduation, Sam plans to continue running track at Illinois College and pursue a degree in Accounting. His future beyond that remains a mystery waiting to unfold. As he looks forward to the next chapter, Sam is excited about getting away from familiar surroundings, continuing his athletic journey in college, and pursuing his educational path. Sam leaves us with an inspiring quote from Philippians 2:3: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility value others above yourself.” Congratulations, Sam, on your upcoming graduation! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Colson Walker, a multi-talented senior with big dreams! Colson has been actively involved in various activities like Board Game Club, Track, Math Team, Interact, FCA, serving as a Student Librarian, and even working in the cafeteria. Among his favorite high school memories are throwing for track, enjoying board games after school, and a memorable Disney band trip where he got to play in front of people at Universal and learn about voice acting. Colson's favorite teachers include Haden Kinkade for his approachability and excellence as an Ag Teacher, Mrs. Lasswell for her fun teaching style and openness, and Steven Potts for his support and fun personality during board games. Throughout high school, Colson has grown more extroverted and learned to prioritize his own goals over others' opinions. He's most proud of his track achievements, especially his shot put goals. His dad has been a significant influence, always supporting him in school and encouraging him to try new things. After high school, Colson plans to play in the band at OCC before transferring to pursue a bachelor's degree in Criminology, aiming to become a federal parole officer. Colson's advice to underclassmen is to “enjoy their time, try new things, and not let others' opinions control their lives.” As he looks forward to finishing school and gaining more freedom, Colson's words of wisdom remind us to cherish life and stay true to ourselves. Congratulations, Colson, on your upcoming graduation!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Our next graduating senior is Kailey Tate. Kailey has been actively involved in cheerleading and the Fish and Loaves program, showcasing her dedication to both sports and community service. After graduation, she plans to take a year off before pursuing nursing at Vincennes University. Kailey's high school journey has been enriched by the friendships she's made over the past 12 years. Homecoming week holds a special place in her heart as a time of unity and celebration. Among her favorite teachers is Mrs. Gilil, who brings laughter and understanding to the classroom, making learning enjoyable for everyone. Reflecting on her growth, Kailey acknowledges coming out of her shell and embracing her outgoing nature. She's proud of being herself and staying true to her values, thanks in part to her mother's unwavering support and encouragement. Kailey's advice to underclassmen is simple yet profound: “be yourself.” She understands the importance of authenticity and reminds others that not everyone is as they seem. As Kailey embarks on new beginnings post-graduation, she embraces the mantra "Change takes courage," and is ready to face whatever challenges and adventures come her way. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation, Kailey!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Natalie Reed, a shining star in academics and ambition! Natalie has been a part of TRIO and showcased her talents on the dance team in 2021-2022. Her passion lies in becoming a Special Education teacher, where she can make a positive impact on students' lives. One of Natalie's proudest achievements is consistently making the honor roll for all four years. She credits her dad for instilling the value of prioritizing education above all else. Throughout high school, Natalie has cherished the guidance and support of her teachers, helping her maintain an excellent record on the honor roll. She fondly remembers participating in the dodgeball tournament, a fun and memorable experience. Among her favorite teachers is Mrs. Sutherlin, whose constant smile and willingness to help have left a lasting impression. Natalie's journey through high school has seen her mature and become more socially active, to which she feels will serve her well in her future career. To underclassmen, Natalie offers words of encouragement to keep pushing forward, seek help when needed, and remain determined in pursuing their goals. She eagerly looks forward to college, where she will work towards achieving her dreams of becoming a Special Ed teacher. As she embarks on this new chapter, Natalie reminds us all to seize every opportunity and take the chances that come our way. Congratulations, Natalie, on your achievements, and best wishes for a bright and successful future!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Colin Laakman has been an active participant in football, basketball, and FCA during his high school years. His plans for the future include attending Vincennes University to major in sports management, with a subsequent transfer to Indiana University for his bachelor's degree. He cherishes the daily interactions with friends and the guidance provided by his favorite teachers, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Lytle, both of whom are known for their excellent rapport with students. Colin has achieved notable academic and athletic milestones, including being part of the National Honor Society, earning the State Scholar title, and receiving recognition as Most Improved in both basketball and football. His highlight was making playoffs in football during his junior year. Reflecting on his personal growth, Colin acknowledges significant changes in his appearance, maturity, and overall perspective. He values maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout high school and excelling in sports as his major accomplishments. His biggest influence has been his mom, who has been a constant source of support and encouragement. Colin's advice to underclassmen emphasizes the importance of making the most of their time, staying active, and enjoying meaningful experiences with friends. Looking forward, Colin is excited about having more control over his schedule and delving into subjects he is passionate about, especially in his chosen field of sports management. His motto, "Last name ever, first name greatest," reflects his confidence and determination as he prepares to embark on the next chapter of his life.
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet on of our amazing foreign exchange students, Fanny Aubineau. Fanny has made her mark at RHHS during her exchange year, participating in track and being a part of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). 🌍🏃‍♀️ Reflecting on her high school experience at RHHS, Fanny feels that she has grown significantly in maturity, especially in becoming more independent due to living far from her family during her exchange year. Among her favorite memories are the moments spent at track, where she enjoyed the camaraderie and challenges of the sport. Fanny has a special connection with her teachers, particularly Mrs. Stewart, who has made her class welcoming and conducive to making friends. She also appreciates Mrs. Lasswell, Mrs. Taylor, and Mrs. Tussey for their kindness and valuable teachings. Her exchange year stands out as her biggest accomplishment during high school, offering her invaluable experiences and personal growth. Fanny credits her English teacher in France as her biggest influence, as she was the one who encouraged her to pursue opportunities abroad, knowing her capabilities. Without this encouragement, Fanny wouldn't be where she is today. For underclassmen, Fanny advises choosing good friends as they will be a significant part of their high school journey. Upon completing this school year, Fanny will return to France to complete her final two years of high school. She then plans to study abroad for college, embracing the international experience. Looking forward, Fanny is excited about traveling the world and working abroad while she's still young, embracing new experiences and opportunities. Fanny will dearly miss her friends and teachers, cherishing the bonds and memories created during this time. In her own words, "Whatever you are, be a good one." 🌟 We're rooting for your continued success, Fanny, and wish you the best in your future endeavors!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Jesse Buchanan, a standout student with a diverse range of interests and achievements! Jesse has been actively involved in the Rotary Interact Club, baseball, FCA, band, Scholastic Bowl, and Student Council throughout high school. Jesse will miss the people he's connected with during his high school journey, cherishing the memories and friendships built along the way. His impressive academic record includes being on the Superintendent Honor Roll, earning State Scholar status, becoming a member of the National Honor Society, and being recognized as Freshman of the Year in Band. Maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA is an achievement Jesse takes great pride in, showcasing his dedication to academic excellence. One of Jesse's cherished memories is the trip to Disney World and Universal Studios after his freshman year, creating unforgettable experiences with friends. Among his favorite teachers is Miss Stewart, known for her enjoyable classes and fun approach to learning. Jesse credits his parents as his biggest influence, appreciating their guidance and support throughout his high school years. Reflecting on his personal growth, Jesse feels he's become less shy and learned valuable lessons about social life during high school. His advice to underclassmen emphasizes the importance of persistence and not giving up in school, as these efforts will pay off in the long run. His next step is pursuing a Chemical Engineering degree at Vincennes University and the University of Southern Indiana, showcasing his passion for STEM fields. Looking ahead, Jesse eagerly anticipates the new opportunities and experiences that await him after high school. Jesse quotes, "Be careful for nothing; but in every way thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving be made known unto God." (Phillipians 4:6) Congratulations, Jesse, on your achievements, and best wishes for a successful journey ahead!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Kamryn Young, our multi-talented senior ready to conquer the world! \With a busy schedule including softball, basketball, volleyball, cheer, and involvement in various clubs like Student Council and National Honor Society, Kamryn has been a true leader at our school. She's also been a part of the prom committee and float building, adding creativity to our events. Kamryn's favorite teachers, Mrs. Moan and Mrs. Stewart, have been pillars of support and inspiration throughout her high school journey. She's learned the importance of surrounding herself with positive influences and is proud of maintaining lifelong friendships. With her mom as her role model and biggest influence, Kamryn looks forward to the freedom of college while valuing the importance of family. Post-graduation, Kamryn is excited to join Indiana State University's Pre-Physician’s Assistant program. She'll miss the close bonds with her friends but cherishes the memories of every Homecoming week. Her advice to underclassmen? Enjoy high school but remember there's much more beyond these years. Kamryn is excited about the freedom of college and the occasional visit back home. Congratulations, Kamryn, on your upcoming graduation!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Maycee Moore. She has made her mark in various leadership roles, including being the FFA President, Section 23 FFA Treasurer, Class President, and Vice President of both the Student Council and Yearbook Committee. 🌟 Throughout her high school journey, Maycee has achieved numerous accolades such as being part of the National Honor Society, earning FFA State and Chapter Degrees, and receiving scholarships like the Equity Scholarship and the Lawrence County Farm Bureau. One of her proudest accomplishments is serving as Chapter FFA President for two consecutive years, which has opened doors to endless opportunities and shaped her passion for pursuing a career in agriculture. Her favorite high school memory revolves around winning Homecoming week and building floats with her peers, creating cherished moments and friendly competition. Maycee will miss the vibrant school days, especially Homecoming week, and the daily interactions with her friends. For underclassmen, Maycee advises making the most of high school by participating in various activities, building connections, and creating lasting memories. Maycee has deep respect and admiration for her teachers, particularly Mrs. Lytle, Mrs. Michels, and Mr. Potts, who have provided unwavering support and guidance throughout her high school years. Maycee credits her parents as her biggest influence and support system, always being there for her and encouraging her endeavors. Reflecting on her personal growth, Maycee acknowledges her transformation from a shy freshman to a confident senior with a clear career path in agriculture, thanks to her involvement in FFA leadership. Maycee plans to attend Lake Land College with a major in Agriculture Transfer before transferring to a university to major in Agribusiness with a minor in Ag Communications. Looking ahead, Maycee is excited about embarking on new adventures and forming new connections during her college experience. As she looks ahead she remembers her favorite scripture passage, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13 🌿 Maycee, your dedication and leadership are truly inspiring! Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
We appreciate the Red Hill CUSD #10 Transportation Department! The bus drivers work very hard to keep our students safe, and we appreciate their daily effort in transporting our most precious cargo. Thank you to all the transportation staff who work to make our students' safety a top priority!
3 months ago, Jakie Walker
Bus Driver Appreciation
Meet Kyra Griesemer, a true embodiment of leadership and dedication! Kyra has been actively involved in numerous activities throughout her high school years, including cheer, track, band, FCA, Student Council, and more. Among her achievements, Kyra proudly holds the titles of Prom Queen, Illinois State Scholar, and membership in prestigious honor societies. Her favorite high school memory includes being crowned Prom Queen, a moment filled with joy and pride. Kyra's journey has been shaped by influential teachers like Mrs. Lasswell and Mr. Potts, who have provided guidance and support both academically and personally. Through high school, she has grown more outgoing, confident, and connected with her peers. One of Kyra's proudest accomplishments was breaking 6 minutes in the mile at Sectionals during her junior year. Her mom has been a constant pillar of support and influence, encouraging Kyra to pursue her dreams and be her best self. To underclassmen, Kyra advises cherishing every moment, big or small, as these experiences shape your high school years and memories. Kyra will miss the daily interactions with her friends and the vibrant high school environment that has shaped many of her favorite memories. Her next adventure takes her to Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, where she'll pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering. She eagerly anticipates the new experiences and people she'll meet in college, embracing the bittersweet transition from high school to a new chapter in life. As Kyra sets off on her exciting journey, she reminds us to live life to create stories and cherish every moment along the way. Congratulations, Kyra, on your achievements, and best wishes for your future endeavors!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Introducing Tyson Lucas, a dedicated wrestler with ambitions to become a CEO. Tyson's post-high school plan is to pursue a business degree in college. He cherishes the time spent visiting with friends, especially during the challenges of COVID-19. Tyson is a proud member of the National Honor Society, reflecting his commitment to academic excellence. Although he hasn't received any scholarships yet, he values his high GPA as a significant achievement. His favorite teachers are in the history department, appreciating their laid-back approach to teaching. Through high school, Tyson has become more social and outgoing. Tyson's biggest influencers are his parents, teaching him the value of hard work. He looks forward to the freedom and opportunities that come with graduating high school. His favorite quote is, "One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane."
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Madalynn Hulfachor, a beacon of positivity and achievement! Madalynn has been a star athlete in basketball, track, and volleyball, while also contributing her talents to the prom committee and float building. Throughout high school, Madalynn has shone brightly with accolades like being an Illinois State Scholar, receiving the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award, excelling in 2D art, and winning first place at the Lawrence County Art Show. Her crowning moment as Homecoming Queen added to her list of achievements. She also takes pride in her artistic accomplishments and her gymnastics success at the regional level. One of Madalynn's fondest memories is enjoying the warm end-of-year days with friends, soaking in the happiness of those moments. Her favorite teacher, Mrs. Lasswell, holds a special place in her heart for her kindness, understanding, and support. Reflecting on her high school journey, Madalynn recognizes her growth from a shy freshman to an outgoing senior who values connections and friendships. Madalynn's mom has been her guiding light, influencing her choice of career and serving as a role model for kindness, love, and understanding. Madalynn's advice to underclassmen is to prioritize kindness, maintain good grades, and seize opportunities. As Madalynn embarks on her college journey, she eagerly anticipates the new experiences and challenges that await. Her motto of treating others with kindness reflects her compassionate nature and positive outlook on life. Her next adventure takes her to Vincennes University to major in Social Work, with plans to continue her education at USI after two years. Madalynn will miss the daily camaraderie with her friends and the comforting routine of school life. Congratulations, Madalynn, on your achievements, and best wishes for a bright future filled with success and happiness!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Help us Celebrate Ethyn Tarr's graduation! 🌟🎓 Ethyn's high school journey has been marked by dedication and passion. His involvement in football, baseball, and track showcases his commitment to sports excellence. Ethyn's favorite memories of Homecoming games speak volumes about the camaraderie and spirit he's experienced in high school. Ethyn has received the Superintendent Honors Award which reflects his well-rounded approach to life and learning. He holds Mr. Ginder in high regard, appreciating his mentorship and friendship. Ethyn's growth in caring less about others' opinions shows his evolving confidence and self-assuredness. Looking ahead, Ethyn plans to embark on the exciting journey of college and marriage. As he steps into the next chapter, Ethyn's advice to underclassmen is to not procrastinate, which resonates with all of us striving for success. We wish Ethyn the very best in his future endeavors and know that his motto, "If you ain't first, you're last," will drive him towards greatness!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Melina Loudermilk, a dedicated student whose achievements span across academics and extracurriculars. Throughout high school, Melina has been involved in Band, Track and Field, Cross Country, and Student Council. Melina's proudest achievements include being an Illinois State Scholar and maintaining a stellar 4.0 GPA, earning Superintendent's Honors all four years of high school. One of her memorable moments was during her freshman year of track, where her girls' team achieved a remarkable second place at sectionals despite having only nine girls. Among Melina's favorite teachers is Mr. Padgett, known for his generosity and willingness to support students. She also appreciates Mrs. Hasewinkle, her band director, for making learning enjoyable and caring about her students beyond academics. Reflecting on her personal growth, Melina feels she has become more positive about appreciating the little things in life. Melina acknowledges her parents as her biggest supporters, grateful for their encouragement and guidance throughout her high school journey. Her ambitious academic journey includes plans to attend Vincennes University for two years to earn an associate degree in Biomedical Engineering. Following this, she aims to pursue her bachelor's and master's degrees in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Illinois in Champaign. Her advice to underclassmen emphasizes doing their best, no matter the circumstances, as any effort is valuable. Looking forward, Melina is excited about starting the next chapter of her life and transitioning from high school to college. One of Melina’s favorite versus that she lives by from Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.'" Congratulations, Melina, on your achievements, and best of luck in your future endeavors!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Hunter McBride, a determined senior with a bright future ahead! Hunter is looking forward to college and cherishing the memories of goofing around with friends at lunch. His favorite teacher, Mrs. Lytle, has been instrumental in guiding students toward their future goals. His dad has been a significant influence, teaching Hunter the value of perseverance and hard work. Hunter wishes he had applied himself more in his early high school years but is proud of overcoming challenges and not giving up. Hunter's advice to underclassmen is to never give up and always give their best effort, knowing that things will improve with determination. As he looks forward to college and exploring new horizons, Hunter leaves us with an inspiring quote: “No matter how low your life gets or how dark you think it is, just remember when at the bottom, the only way to go is up.”
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Reann Howder, an artistic high school student whose journey has been filled with creativity and personal growth. As a member of the Art Club, Reann has found joy and self-expression through her artwork. She appreciates her favorite teacher, Mrs. Taylor, for being sweet, fun, and understanding. Reflecting on her high school years, Reann believes she has matured significantly, becoming more outgoing, outspoken, and confident. Self-love is an important lesson she has learned along the way. While she hasn't specified her plans after high school, Reann values her friendships and cherishes the memories made with her friends. For underclassmen, Reann advises them to have fun and not let their lives revolve solely around school. She encourages them to be true to themselves and explore their passions. As graduation approaches, Reann is excited about the future and quotes Tomoya Okazaki: "What are you so hesitant about? It’s your dream, isn’t it? It’s right in front of you, and you’re wavering? You gotta be reckless and take whatever you can!" Congrats, Reann, on your graduation!
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Wyatt Cafin, an FFA enthusiast with big dreams of becoming a culinary chef, inspired by his idol Bobby Flay. Wyatt cherishes the close friendships he's made and the support from his teachers, especially Ms. Schultz and Mrs. Bond, who pushed him to excel. A memorable achievement for Wyatt was winning the FFA Cornhole Championship. He's also received the Culvers Scholarship, showing his dedication and skill. Wyatt reflects on his transformation from a shy individual to someone confident and unafraid to speak up. Wyatt's proudest moment would be making his late father proud, as he continues to strive for success. His father remains his biggest influence, teaching him resilience and determination. To underclassmen, Wyatt advises cherishing every moment and not letting anyone bring you down. He looks forward to reconnecting with family in Indiana post-graduation. In Wyatt's own words, "Every villain lies a broken heart, every hero has a broken dream. You have to play both sides for everything to be foreseen."
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey
Meet Austin, a graduating senior with a passion for sports and art! Throughout high school, she excelled in softball, volleyball, and track, earning accolades like LOVC and MTC All-Conference honors. Her focus post-high school will be attending Vincennes University for Art & Design, “I’m looking forward to meeting new people in college.” Austin cherishes goofing off with friends and the energy of Homecoming week. Her favorite teacher, Mrs. Laswell, stands out for her sweetness. Reflecting on her journey, Austin has become more relaxed and is proud of her artistic achievements. Her friends have been her biggest influence, and she advises underclassmen to prioritize grades, “Just get good grades. It’s easy.”. Graduation marks a new chapter of meeting new people for Austin. Her mantra: “It's not a big deal.”
3 months ago, Jamie Tussey