The Red Hill baseball game scheduled against Lawrenceville on May 11 is cancelled.

The Baseball/Softball games at Paris have been rescheduled for May 15. Game time is 9:30 a.m.

4th Grade Parents,
I sent home a packet with your students regarding band and choir for 5th grade! Please go through that with them, fill out the last page, which is the band interest letter, and send it back to school with them.
We are having a band recruitment night next Wednesday starting at 6pm in the SAC Gym, but I would like you to contact me for a time slot to make things flow better.
My email is aevinger@cusd10.org
I look forward to meeting you and continuing your child's music education!!
Thank you,
Ms. Evinger

Sumner Music Parents,
Our concert is less than a week away! With that coming up, our Fundraiser drawing is coming up as well! Please have your students return their unsold tickets and their sold tickets and money for the drawing. The tickets need to be turned in to me by Tuesday May 11th!!
Thank you,
Amanda Evinger

Today's Baseball and Softball games at Paris have been cancelled due to weather. A makeup date is yet to be determined.

The softball and baseball game at Paris today will start at 5:30 p.m.

Hello everyone!
We made it to May - woo hoo!
We are seeing many of our students needing masks & water bottles every day. We only have a limited supply!
Please make sure you are sending a fresh water bottle with your child each day. The weather is getting much warmer

Greetings music Parents!
We are almost done!!
This year has been one to remember. With everyone going online last spring and this being my first year, we started out the year a little late. On top of that, I saw each student less than I would in a normal year. Despite that, the students have been able to prepare a pretty great concert!
We can’t wait for you to see what we have prepared for you! The concert will be on May 13th in the SAC Gym. 6th Grade Band Students and 5th/6th Choir students need to be in the band room at 5:15 to warm up and then get seated in the gym. The 5th Grade band students need to be in the band room at 5:30 to get warmed up and seated for the concert. We will give your students 2 tickets at the beginning of that week for parents to use to get into the concert.
For the concert, I would like your student to dress nice. Please dress in spring colors!
For the boys, this includes: black or khaki pants or shorts and a plain shirt (no logos).
For the girls, this includes: black or khaki pants/shorts or a skirt and a plain shirt (no logos), or a dress.
The concert is part of their semester grade, and dressing nice is part of that grade. If this is a financial burden, please contact me.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at aevinger@cusd10.org.
I’m looking forward to working with you to continue your student’s music education!
Ms. Evinger

Greetings 5th grade Parents!
With the end of the year coming up, we need to start planning for next year. In order for your student to continue with their learning, they will need book 2. Listed below are the prices for the various instruments. These will be delivered through our music rep from the Music Shoppe, so there will be no shipping costs. Please bring in the money for this book as soon as you can. Checks can be made out to “SAC.”
Flute $10
Clarinet $10
Alto Saxophone $10
Trumpet $10
Trombone $10
Percussion $18
Another thing to prepare for next year is Beginning Band Boot Camp. It is optional, but recommended. This will help your student get a jump start on getting back into the music. It will be held in the SAC Music room.
The dates are Wednesday, August 11th and Thursday, August 12th.
9:00 - Flutes
9:30 - Clarinets
10:00 - Percussion
10:30 - Saxophones
11:00 - Trombones
11:30 - Trumpets
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at aevinger@cusd10.org.
I’m looking forward to working with you to continue your student’s music education!
Ms. Evinger

Red Hill's baseball game at Flora tomorrow had been cancelled and rescheduled for May 25 at Flora. Game time is 4:30

Red Hill High School Baccalaureate 2021

This week’s 4th grade Spotlight Writer of the Week is Easton Dowty! Great work!

The Best Part of 4th Grade!
Check out some of the amazing work 4th grade has been up to!

Jr. High Track fans headed to Casey today should plan to take lawn chairs. There is no limit on spectators.

Red Hill CUSD #10 Job Openings

4th grade spent some time outside documenting nature. We love the warmer Spring weather!

This week’s 4th grade Spotlight Writer of the Week is Karysn Brian. Way to go!

Red Hill Baseball fans make note that the 5/22 game vs Newton will start at 2:30 pm.

Jr. High Wrestlers have a meet tonight at Mattoon. Mattoon will allow 2 visiting fans per wrestler.

Jr High Girls Basketball will be allowed 2 fans per player at Oblong tonight.