Volleyball fans will be allowed to attend the volleyball game at Lawrenceville on Wednesday, April 21st.

The Jr. High Track Home meet scheduled for Thursday has been cancelled. The Jr. High Track teams will be going to the Robinson track meet. The meet will start at 4 pm.

The purpose of this survey is to gauge interest in FY21 summer school for students in Kindergarten through twelfth grade. Parents who feel their child may benefit from summer school are asked to complete the survey. However, completing the survey is not considered a firm commitment. Once summer school plans have been finalized, Red Hill CUSD #10 will open a formal registration for parents/guardians. ONE FORM SHOULD BE COMPLETED FOR EACH STUDENT. Please use the following link to complete the survey: https://forms.gle/d2ukaAc7Y2s5FJfb9

Grades have been posted to family access for mid-term 4. Please check Skyward family access for a mid-term report.

Just a reminder that our Football game this weekend is on Saturday at Casey. Kickoff is at 2 pm. They are allowing visiting fans and ask that you wear a mask and social distance.

The Softball game scheduled for May 1st @ Flora has been moved to April 27. Game time is 4:30 p.m.

Red Hill will travel to Oblong tomorrow night for volleyball. Oblong is allowing 2 fans per player. Fans must wear a mask and social distance.

There will be no visiting fans permitted at the Jr. High Girl's Basketball game tonight at Palestine. The game will be live streamed on the NFHS network.

Following the Varsity football game against the Indians, the JV football team will play 1 quarter with no special teams. Both coaches have agreed to play 12 minutes.

The Jr. High Track meet at Newton on April 8 will start at 4:30pm.

Red Hill Volleyball fans will be allowed to attend the volleyball game at Paris on Thursday.

Red Hill Preschool Screenings News Release for April 2021
The Red Hill CUSD #10 will be conducting preschool screenings for all three and four year olds residing in the Red Hill School District.
These screenings are for new students only and who are not already enrolled in the preschool program.
All preschool screenings will be held at New Hope Christian Church in Bridgeport on the following dates:
*Monday, April 26, 2021 from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
*Tuesday, April 27, 2021 from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
*Wednesday, April 28, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Appointments will be needed for each child that is screened.
To make an appointment please call Bridgeport Grade School at 945-5721, option 6.
Required documents that must be brought to the preschool screenings in order for the screening to occur:
*Child’s Immunization Records
*Child’s Certified Birth Certificate
*Proof of family income for both parents
*Child’s most recent physical examination if available
The child must be present for the screening.
Only one parent will be allowed with the child for the screening.
Masks are required.
If you have any questions you may call Jodie Aldridge, BGS Preschool Parent Educator at 945-5721, option 4.

Red Hill Jr High Girls Basketball team will honor the 8th grade players on April 6. Parents need to be at Sumner Attendance Center Gym by 6:45.

The Red Hill Jr Girls Basketball game scheduled for tonight vs Lawrenceville will start at 5:30.

Red Hill Jr High Girls Basketball will play Lawrenceville at Sumner Attendance Center, April 1. Game time is 6 pm.
No visiting fans will be permitted. Each Red Hill player will be allowed 2 people. Fans will be asked to sign in at the gate.

For tonight's Jr High Girls Basketball game vs Martinsville - Jr High Girls Basketball players will be allowed 2 people per player. Fans will be required to sign in for each player. No visiting fans will be permitted.

Sumner Attendance Center will be having Spring Picture Day tomorrow. There are no order forms needed. Ordering can be done online at a later date.

Volleyball fans will be allowed at Flora for tonight's game.

4th grade is having a Dewig's Meats fundraiser. If you would like to purchase meat, get ahold of a 4th grade or contact the 4th grade teachers at mtennis@cusd10.org

Today's Jr High Track meet has been cancelled.